Insights into the Theory of Relativity.  Part II. Lorentz Transformation.

 by Francisco Sánchez Martín


In this article we reanalyse the orthogonal endomorphisms structure. This is because of we prove previously ( in Part I)

 that skew-adjoint endomorphism structure  holds invariant in an orthogonal transformation.

 After that we infer the Lorentz boost and 2-dimensional euclidian rotation  highlighting their geometrical structure

 in the context of annihilating polynomials  of the mentioned skew-adjoint endomorphisms, namely electromagnetic field

 associated endomorphisms, and orthogonal endomorphism as well.

 This has meaningful involvements inside the structure of the base of special theory of relativity.

Copyright: General Register of Intellectual Property ; Dossier 09/RTPI-03093.7/2018 Madrid ( Spain) April 20th 2018 ; M-002742/2018


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