Reflections on my article "Canonical form of self-adjoint endomorphisms and associated stress-energy  tensors"
by F. Sánchez M.

My article "Canonical form of self-adjoint endomorphisms and
associated stress-energy  tensors," is based a part of the publication of GS Hall, Physical Structure of the Energy-Momentum Tensor in General Relativity (Internat. Journal of Theor. Physics, Vol.25 No 4 1986) and other authors. This publication is from my point of view particularly interesting to better understand the nature of the energy from your drive tensor invariant elements.

Development of this work is done from a rather simple in its mathematical context but in my opinion an important physical content. The simplicity of the mathematical development does not imply lack of value or significance in its physical content.

In some places I use classic words as eigenvalues or eigenvectors. They are compatible with a more mathematical terminology as invariant subspaces etc. .. In the cases studied
I think I have to use this nomenclature because is more suitane for the nonspecialist reader.


Some bibliography related to "Canonical form of self-adjoint endomorphisms and associated stress-energy  tensors
by F. Sánchez M.

I add some citations that I discussed important to understand the topic before us. It is not complete because it is a classic developed and used more or less since the early twentieth century by many authors. I limit myself only to some relevant quotes where you can find the necessary information. See bibliography here.

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There have been some comments, including several as anonymous. The transcribed below:

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In the third paragraph of section 2.1.2. speaks of two or more different isotropic eigenvectors. I do not understand respect. Could I make some clarification?

Anonymous Received December 4, 2009


I try to express that two or more isotropic eigenvectors, having to be orthogonal are to be in the same  isotropic straight line. Therefore we have a single isotropic direction orthogonal to the rest of the eigenvectors is not isotropic, ie a 2D hypersurface (which contains the eigenvectors not isotropic), or simply have, in the simplest case, a single line does not isotropic.

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I read your publication and see that using words related to mathematical elements such as "eigenvector," "intrinsic value", which from my point of view are not relevant in a modern mathematical nomenclature, although used in classical texts and still, even in many modern texts. I also see that using single or multiple words as referring to the eigenvalues. Could you comment further on the meaning of such words and words used?

Anonymous Received May 6, 2010


The words referred to I have used because this is more understandable by most people. However, it is appropriate to make some clarification on them: Let an endomorphism M

eigen-direction,eigen- straight line or eigensubspace , in an endomorphism M is an invariant subspace of dimension 1.

Eigenvector is a vector of eigensubspace .

In the case of the minimal polynomial, the subspace itself is linear : M-λI = 0. λ is the eigenvalue. (I is the identity endomorphism.)

Obviously the above is a particular case (the simplest). My article "Canonical form of adjoint endomorphisms and Associates  Tensors" cases are analyzed starting with the simplest and continuing thereafter for the most complex,like radical subspaces of index higher than one, and minimal polynomials of degree higher than one without real roots. The vectors and values cited can not be defined in a subspace whose minimal polynomial is of degree higher than 1, and real roots.

The word simple is used when all invariant subspaces of M are of dimension 1

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